Comix Book #1-5 Complete Set

Comix Book #1-5 Complete Set

In the 1970s, Marvel attempted to co-opt the coolness of the underground comix scene by running tamer underground (or, as the cover says, subterranean) material in this magazine-format anthology. Includes a reprint of Ace Hole, Midget Detective by Art Spiegelman, Barefootz stories by Howard Cruse, Snappy Sammy Smoot by Skip Williamson, and other material by Trina Robbins, Justin Green, Denis Kitchen, Basil Wolverton, Evert Geradts, Kim Deitch, Ted Richards, John Pound, and future alt-comix noteworthies Mike Baron and Scott Shaw. Edited by Kitchen.

Mid 1970's good condition commensurate with age.